A site for some of my micro generation projects!
I should add, this site is not complete, and will be added to on an ad hock basis as and when I have time
Wind generator mast construction
I'll get round to adding full text sometime, so just brief descriptions
for now. Do remember this is work in progress, hence no completed photos
yet. The mast will consist of a 6" x 6" RSJ planted vertically in a large chunk of concrete with some additional supports leaning in to the top of the RSJ. About 4 foot from the ground will be a hinge assembly securing the RSJ to a length (approx 25 foot) of 4" steel tube. With a winch assembly the 4" tube will be raised in to the vertical position and locked in position. Inside the 4" tube will be a length of 2" tube. This smaller tube, via another winch can be telescoped out the top of the 4" tube to increase the mast height. Due to the proximity of over head cables (not moveable) there is a limit to how high the mast can go.
This is the base of what is going to be my mast. Note the 4" tube in the
background which will also become part of the mast. |
Top section of the 4" section of mast with pulley block welded in place to
be part of the telescopic mechanism. |
Nylon bush inserted, but yet to have fixing drilled and tapped to secure
it in place. |
Various bits of the mast. The top section will have a collar welded in
place, so it can be clamped to the top of the 4" tube. Bottom left will be
used to winch mast in to upright position. Centre bottom will become part
of the mast securing kit. Bottom right is part of the hinge mechanism on
the bottom of the 4" mast section. |
More bits of the mast hinge |
text to follow More photos to follow as I construct more components |
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